View Profile AuricTrinity

32 Movie Reviews

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LOL!! loved it

Love AYB, hate eBaum. This was great! 5/5
Favorites list!!

Veni veni venias
E Baum mori facias

I don't really know exactly who eBaum is...

...but I do hate flash thieves. DOWN WITH EBAUM!!! btw another Lemon Demon hit if ever I saw one.

Really good FBF animation...

This was very well done. I have no complaints. 5/5

It's a decent movie...

I still prefer the one on albinoblacksheep by veloso. good job though

An absolute stroke of genius!!! 1337 to the tenth

I love this movie and say it deserves #1. I give it a 5 every day and a 0 to anything with a higher score. I'm currently taking Japanese 5 and I'm seriously considering something along these lines for a project.
(funny side note: Playing FF Dawn of Souls I always use the names you made up. Anyone who doesn't like that can CRID DU VILG UB!)

Dude this sux, plus...

Because this is incorrectly rated (excessive nudity, etc.) I have very strong reason to believe that this is one of the Flashes the Barney Bunch puts on the portal and then swaps once it gets past judgement.
Since leaving this on ng would be detrimental anyway let's err to the side of caution and...BLOW MY WHISTLE BABY!!

TJN001 responds:

ok blow it. there is nothing here that breaks the rules dumbass.

Nice Job, pay no attention to Strawberry Glock...

For god's sake, he's Glock Group. They're not exactly gods of Flash, just dorks who can't really use flash so they rely on their friends to mass vote on the crap they submit. Anywho, this was cool. Keep up the good work. =D

dreamzmighty responds:

Thank you =3 Yey! A buddy on newgrounds... So any ideas for me? I Allways Welcome Chritic advise...Just not hard core Critic o_o If you know what I mean *cough* Strawberry Glock *cough*
Gasp! I went against my own rule of talking about people! =o Oh the humain!
... -Kat (Sorry... Kinda excited ^-^)

Absolutely AMAZING!

As a Zelda fanatic I love a good LOZ parody. This is beyond good...IT'S GODLY!!!!!
Graphics were flawless, even in low quality. Sound was honed to perfection.
Simply put, you'd need to be smoking some pretty strong shit to give this a vote of ANYTHING less than 5!!

Etymology of my User name
Auric: A scientific name for gold, used in naming compounds. Literally "Golden"
Trinity: A fancy word for three or a group of three things. (But if you didn't know that already then you might be a bit too young for a Newgrounds Account :-))

Put it all together and what do you get? You can figure that out.
Make more please. I want to see the fire temple. (Whack-a-Mole with Volvagia XD)

Not amazing, but still good.

BTW you misspelled "Psycho."

Ahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! w00t

That was hilarious!!
Esp. liked the Cheesehead Goombas!!!
Packers to the Super Bowl...eventually

Puny mortals!! Behold my power! Defy me if you wish, But there is no salvation for the damned!!

Age 34, Male

Saigo no Shinigami

Hard Knocks

The Realm of the Dead

Joined on 9/11/05

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5.47 votes
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